Animal Sacrifice Many learned Vedic commentators of India of the past and present agree that animal sacrifices in India are true and actual. Shankara and Ramanuja who were recognized as religious leaders of the past both recognize the practice of animal sacrifices in ancient time. In India during the Vedic period saints observed Nara Medhya Yagnam Cow body sacrifice and Ashwa Medhya Yagnam Horse body sacrifice . The great scholar P. B. Kane has written volumes of books on Indian ani...
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Amaciam nih sekarang? Geram tahu dengan perasaanmu yang sambil lewa. Terpaksa aku berdiam diri meyimpan geram yang membara panas disudut hatiku Dengan tepat masa berdetik menunjukkan masuknya waktu solat zohor kedegaran telefon bimbit berjenama nokiaku berdering kencang. Di hujung talilan telefon terdengar suara yang tidak akan ku lupa. Suara yang amat sinis lagi mengejutkan. REN tepon! haha! Hey hey whutsuup2 blogging again biaser la kan kalau melayu saye dah mula CHIM cHIM maknenye aku...
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Then perform Atma Puja for self purification. This is done by the chanting of the following mantras OM APAVITRAH PAVITRO VASARVAVASTHAM GATOAPI VA YAH SMRAIT PUNDARIKA AKSHAM SAVAHYABHYANTARAH SHUCHIH. Explanation Whoever contemplates upon Vishnu gets automatically purified both mentally and physically. This is followed by Achman drinking of holy water after accepting it in the palm of the hand which helps to wash off the sins committed by action thought and speech. The mantra...
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Advaitadas "Shankacarya is accepted by many as a closet Vaishnava though he was publicly the topmost jnani. He ended his famous sermon 'Moha Mudgar' with the verse 'bhaja govindam bhaja govindam bhaja govindam nanu mudha mate. " Bhakta "Some devotees say that that Govinda refers to his Guru not to Krishna. " Advaitadas "No that cannot be. Just three verses earlier he prayed 'pahi murare' "oh Murari save me!" is his Guru then also named Murari? This is from Sadhu Baba's publication of Moh...
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